International Women's Day


March 8, 2021 — International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

This year’s theme is “Choose To Challenge” meaning calling out inequality when you see it. A challenged world is an alert world — and from challenge comes change.

This International Women’s Day we #ChooseToChallenge stereotypes, call out inequality, and celebrate women’s achievements. Join us on this journey to shine a spotlight on activity encouraging and uplifting women to pursue goals without bias or barriers.

A few steps you can take to make a difference are:

  • Hire qualified women
  • Offer leadership and growth opportunities
  • Honor diversity
  • Offer equitable pay
  • Celebrate women’s achievements
  • Raise awareness against bias

And as a result, enjoy an increase in your bottom line.

To learn more about #IWD and download resources, visit