We are excited to announce that applications are now open for the Human Rights and Equity Commission (HREC), and we’d love for you to considering applying, or sharing this with your colleagues and communities who may be interested in volunteering.

HREC is currently focused on the areas of collaborative governance, operationalizing equity, and creating and compiling resources for individuals in our community who have experienced discrimination. The Commission is a four-hour monthly commitment, with two hours allocated to a monthly meeting, and two hours for subcommittee meetings and/or work in community.

All HREC members are eligible to opt into the City of Bend Stipend Program, which seeks to lower barriers and promote civic engagement by providing funds to board members to help offset assumed costs to participate in meetings, such as childcare, transportation, or Internet connectivity for remote meetings. A stipend amount of $40.00 per meeting (with a $500.00 per year maximum) is available for all HREC participants.

This is a space to make a difference and to ensure equity is prioritized in decision making that impacts communities most affected by the city’s decisions. There are multiple seats open, and we look forward to filling the seats in late 2023, or early 2024.

To apply, please visit: Advisory Committee Application | City of Bend (bendoregon.gov), or to learn more about HREC or for questions, please contact Cassandra Kehoe (ckehoe@bendoregon.gov) or Andres Portela (aportela@bendoregon.gov).