In our last e-News update from Salem, we shared information about a priority bill that supports our recreation and outdoor industries – HB 3140. We have a call to action to support the bill as awaits a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. Over 100 outdoor and recreation businesses and organizations have banded together to support the bill.

As legislative deadlines loom, it is imperative to have the bill scheduled for a hearing. We are asking Chamber members to join the coalition and lend their logo to the fact sheet. Click here for more information and to join Protect our Recreation.  For more information about the bill and why the Bend Chamber supports it, please see our last e-News update.

With thousands of bills introduced and awaiting debate, this session is proving to be one of the most active on record. Among those bills are a handful of housing related bills that will help boost production and offer resources for critical infrastructure investments. The Chamber supported both initiatives and offered testimony to both:

HB 2138: Middle Housing

The bill removes barriers and allows for more housing types and options to alleviate current shortages. Specifically, HB 2138 requires local governments to allow a variety of housing types, including duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, and cottage clusters, in areas zoned for residential use. It simplifies approval processes for middle housing development and limits local governments from imposing restrictions that reduce housing density. The measure also changes regulations for single room occupancy housing by increasing density allowances and reducing parking requirements. Additionally, it voids restrictive covenants and local policies that unreasonably limit housing development and mandates faster approval timelines for housing projects. It streamlines land division processes for middle housing. The bill has been thoroughly discussed among stakeholders and has wide support from housing partners across the state. Click here to read our letter of support.

HB 3031: Infrastructure Funding

The bill HB 3031 was initially introduced as a placeholder bill to study housing issues and was amended to direct the Oregon Infrastructure Finance Authority (IFA) to create a housing infrastructure financing program that provides grants, loans or forgivable loans to a city, county, county service district, or tribal council of a federally recognized Indian tribe for projects that will primarily support a specified proposed housing development. Specifies that projects can involve the development or improvement of transportation, water, wastewater, or stormwater infrastructure; or site development, including the development of privately owned sites, necessary for the improvement of transportation, water, wastewater or stormwater infrastructure. The bill considers a $100 million appropriation to launch the financing program. Click here to read our letter of support.

The next major deadline for the 2025 session is on Friday, March 21 when all bills must have passed through a committee of reference or be scheduled for a work session by Wednesday, April 9. These deadlines will significantly cull the number of bills in the queue and create a roadmap for legislation that has political will to continue.